Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Dances

I walked 100 miles in the first month of 2010.  Yes, I did a happy dance. 

I am also realizing I'm going to have to kick it up a notch now, really start pushing it.  (Aside--I killed my turkey I was trying to bake and make sandwich meat with.  It's really dry, and I normally make bomb turkeys.  Things just aren't right in Rainville....)  What was I saying? Oh yes, kicking it up a notch....

Originally I said I was aiming to walk to Oklahoma City by February 14th.  Haha.  I don't know...109 miles in 2 weeks.  But nevertheless, I said it, so I will try.  My shin splints seem to have calmed down, so maybe I can really rock it for 2 weeks. 

I don't know though, I'm just sayin'....that's a lot of ground to cover!

But I am now comfortable with 4 miles in one stretch, so if I walk the girls back and forth to school, which is 4 miles, and then start in on 5 mile stints during the day or evening sometime, that's 9 miles a day, multiplied by 14 days (2 make up days)'s doable. 

Back to happy dancing...after months of asking the Lord for vision, for direction, for a place and a purpose, I believe I have been given an answer.  I love children, I love teaching and art and play, and I love being home with my children.  So I am seriously pursuing opening a full time preschool in my own home.  I am exploring educational philosophies, curriculum, materials, space design.  And I'm excited.  I've been filled with passion again.  And I can visualize the space my classroom will be in, meetings with parents, the backyard I want to have, the books and tables and blocks and shelving I want to have.  I can visualize writing in the quiet moments, the nap times, the early morning hours and late nights.  I can visualize bringing great children's books to my class, the parents, and fellow teachers and librarians and preschools as I network.  I can visualize bringing tutus into the classroom that I've designed and made myself.  It all wraps together in a neat little package. 

Yes, I am happy dancing.

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