Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Dances

I walked 100 miles in the first month of 2010.  Yes, I did a happy dance. 

I am also realizing I'm going to have to kick it up a notch now, really start pushing it.  (Aside--I killed my turkey I was trying to bake and make sandwich meat with.  It's really dry, and I normally make bomb turkeys.  Things just aren't right in Rainville....)  What was I saying? Oh yes, kicking it up a notch....

Originally I said I was aiming to walk to Oklahoma City by February 14th.  Haha.  I don't know...109 miles in 2 weeks.  But nevertheless, I said it, so I will try.  My shin splints seem to have calmed down, so maybe I can really rock it for 2 weeks. 

I don't know though, I'm just sayin'....that's a lot of ground to cover!

But I am now comfortable with 4 miles in one stretch, so if I walk the girls back and forth to school, which is 4 miles, and then start in on 5 mile stints during the day or evening sometime, that's 9 miles a day, multiplied by 14 days (2 make up days)'s doable. 

Back to happy dancing...after months of asking the Lord for vision, for direction, for a place and a purpose, I believe I have been given an answer.  I love children, I love teaching and art and play, and I love being home with my children.  So I am seriously pursuing opening a full time preschool in my own home.  I am exploring educational philosophies, curriculum, materials, space design.  And I'm excited.  I've been filled with passion again.  And I can visualize the space my classroom will be in, meetings with parents, the backyard I want to have, the books and tables and blocks and shelving I want to have.  I can visualize writing in the quiet moments, the nap times, the early morning hours and late nights.  I can visualize bringing great children's books to my class, the parents, and fellow teachers and librarians and preschools as I network.  I can visualize bringing tutus into the classroom that I've designed and made myself.  It all wraps together in a neat little package. 

Yes, I am happy dancing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Goodbye Texas....

Today I crossed over into Oklahoma!!  I'm happy today was the day I did it, because I was feeling a bit discouraged after weighing and measuring and not seeing anything much of a difference, with 1.25 inches lost this week. But I guess better down than up, right? But I did it, I walked my way out of Texas!!

This week I am looking towards that first 100 mile marker!!

I went to a conference today and listened to Anastasia Suen talk about showing versus telling when writing children's books. Of course, I came home revved up to write the greatest children's picture book ever, but decided family came first and took the kids out for a mile walk.  So instead of happily floating in writing land with notebook, pen, cards, and images, I listened to my four year old whine about her shoes, her scooter, her bladder, and her mother telling her what to do all the time.  And instead of writing the greatest children's book ever, I stood on the sidewalk in the middle of my neighborhood and screamed, "Go!!" and then through clenched teeth, "Do not ever bring that scooter again!"

Not my greatest mommy moment. 

This week I was so tired, I slacked in many areas, including *sniff* housecleaning, cooking, and reading my Bible.  Ironically, I had just read my friend and Proverbs 31 Woman's editor, Glynnis Whitwer's blog about inertia, and how if you're not moving, you'll continue not moving because of inertia.  And vice versa.  If you're moving, continuing to move is that much easier.  I began the week exhausted and continued the week exhausted, slacking and making excuses. 

Not my best week for accomplishments or meeting goals. 

I'm so thankful I still have my Daddy's love and that what I do doesn't depend on continual patience or mighty accomplishments, that His love shines through all my mistakes and failures, accepting me just the way I am.

I'm also thankful that tomorrow starts a new week, with fresh opportunities to screw up. 

"God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seven Miles to Oklahoma!

Howdy, Gainesville!

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I have come to Gainesville, TX, a smaller town featuring antique shopping, an octagonal courthouse, a historic train station, and a zoo.  While reading through various facts about Gainesville, I found the following the most interesting:

Another flood brought Gainesville into the national spotlight when, on September 21, 1981, the Trinity River flooded much of the town, including the local zoo. The Frank Buck Zoo, named for famed zookeeper Frank Buck, lost more than forty animals that day. The one that garnered the attention and love of the world was Gerry the elephant. Named Gerry II after the zoo's original elephant, Gerry managed to survive the flood, after being swept down river, by hanging on to tree limbs with her trunk for 36 hours. At the worst of the flood, the only part of her body that was not submerged was her trunk. Since the flood Gerry (now known as Sissy) has remained in the spotlight off and on. There was an attempt to breed her at the Fort Worth Zoo in the 1980s, but that didn't work out. In 1997, she crushed a zookeeper against the doorway of her barn enclosure at the Frank Buck zoo. While details around the death are still shrouded in mystery, zoo officials labeled her as a problem animal and shipped her off in the middle of the night to avoid protests from the community that had come to love her over the years. After leaving Gainesville, she was sent to Houston Zoo and then El Paso. She made headlines again when video footage of her arrival at El Paso was leaked to media outlets. The footage showed zookeepers beating Gerry with clubs for over an hour. The zookeepers never really explained why they did what they did to her. Thankfully, Gerry/Sissy was sent to an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee, where she resides at the present time. Gerry turned 40 on Dec. 1, 2008. (Wikipedia)

Gainesville is home to many Victorian style homes, antique shops, and quaint storefronts. The town is known for its churches, supposedly the site of the first episcopalian church in all of Texas.

Sadly, Gainesville is also where 42 Texans were hanged after a mock trial by the Confederacy on October 1, 1862, to scare them into loyalty.

I am now only 7 miles from the Oklahoma border. :-)  The last few days have been really hard. My legs are tired and I am having a lot of front shint pain.  After research, I've found it could be my shoes (which I doubt), or weak shin muscles, or the way I drop my foot, or stepping out too far in front of me (overstriding).  All I know is I want to cry sometimes when I walk.  I've been icing my right leg now when I get done walking and stretching my shins.  And I've noticed walking slower doesn't cause it to hurt as much, but walking slower takes longer.....

Pain, pain, go away....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Daybook for January 18th

Outside my window...a bit cloudy, but projected to be 67 today.  This I can live with!

I am thinking...about what time to devote to writing everyday.  Once the noise of the day progresses, I just don't get around to it.  And for days I've attempted to get up earlier than everyone else (which means 5 am) but I don't even hear the alarm go off.  I must turn it off at some point but I don't recall.  That would leave evenings, which requires a great deal of discipline to put off "relaxing" and forge ahead with my pen on top of the fact that I'm not at my mental best at night.  Mornings are it.  New alarm clock?

I am thankful for...friends.  I am learning more and more the need for fellowship and relationships and cultivating and nourishing those relationships.

I am leggings and a hot pink hoodie and white socks. 

I am remembering...what hunger is like.  Deep hunger.  It's my new best friend.

I am going...walking later. My other new best friend.

I am currently reading...the last of Genesis and Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace."

I am write 1000 words a day this week.  That would be awesome. 

On my to become debt free, after we have income again of course.

Noticing that....Noah likes the sound of Emily's dress up shoes. 

Pondering these words: "These are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom, before any king reigned over the Israelites." Genesis 36:31.  Of course later, in Samuel's day, the Israelites cry out for a king, like the other nations.  Even in Bible days the human heart wanted what the Joneses had.

From the kitchen...Catfish nuggets and fries today, Tandori Chicken with Gobhi Masala Tuesday, Baked Navy Beans with Squash and Rice Wednesday, Fish Chowder Thursday, and Spicy Peanut Noodles Friday.  Yum!

Around the house...laundry, dishes, and LESS CLUTTER!

One of my favorite things...a blank journal.  Oh the possibilities. 

From my photos:  Flowers I liked from the Botanical Gardens.  I want to add to my own garden....

Embrace the simple everday moments!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Zone

Man oh man.  Today's walk was hard! I didn't walk yesterday, mostly because between cleaning the van inside and out, catching up my cleaning schedule, finishing up paid work, and preparing for the girls' sleep over, I just didn't get the time to.  And Thursday I only walked three miles.  So today, I was ready to go walking. 

Normally I have some shint pain, especially on my right leg, when I start out walking, but after a mile or so I get into the ZONE and it goes away. Today I had my mom drop me at Veteran's Park and I purposed to walk two miles around the park and then walk home, which is 6 miles: 8 miles altogether.  But after one mile around, my right leg was hurting so bad, I wasn't sure how much farther I could go.  I craved the zone, but it just wasn't coming and I wasn't anywhere near my normal walking speed.  I actually called hubby and told him I may need him to pick me up.  (Yikes!)  So instead of two miles around the park, I walked the one and then began walking home, not sure how far I was going to make it.

Finally, after another mile or so, the pain dulled, my speed increased, and I was a much happier walker.  And I'm happy to report that I made it home.  I walked 7 miles in two hours.  Not bad.  :-)

I am even happier to report that just since last week I've lost 4 1/2 inches total and 1 1/2 pounds.  I've finally seen the scale move! ;-)    And I'm at 60 miles walked.

Now I want to ponder the ZONE for a moment.  When I first set out to exercise, I may have to talk myself into it.   I have the whole time before me and those first few moments, I'm stiff, maybe tired, maybe not really into it.   Sometimes I know I have a zillion other things I could be doing.  Sometimes I'm just lazy, and would rather lounge.  But as I walk and push myself to keep going, I enter the zone and I'm happy.  The zone is what I love about exercise.  It's that moment when the endorphins kick in and I'm energized and moving at a good speed.  And sometimes it's hard to stop.  I just want to keep going because I love how it feels.

1 Timothy 4: 7 and 8 says "Train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life  and also for the life to come."  I don't want to neglect my spiritual fitness while I am focused on becoming physically fit, so alongside my walking challenge, I have made myself a spiritual challenge: to read the bible in 90 days.  All of it.  Every word.

So far I am halfway through Genesis.  And I find that the zone applies to other areas of my life than just exercise.  Sometimes it is hard to pick up my bible and begin to read it.  Other things call my attention.  Geneologies bore me.  Hard names tie my tongue. It can be hard to understand why God allows blood shed or a flood to destroy mankind. Things can boggle my mind.  And sometimes I am just plain lazy.  I would rather watch that movie or read that cutesy romantic story.  But I find that as I dig into God's word, I begin and I push myself and I find myself in a zone after while.  And like the endorphins from exercise energize my day, the spiritual high from reading God's word envelopes me and energizes my love for God, my love for people, my need to change things about myself, and my prayer life.  I find myself falling in love with my bible and the God who wrote it, just as I find myself falling in love with walking.

And as for those things that boggle my mind, my God says: "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." Jeremiah 33:3

Until Monday...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

50 Miles!!!! :-)

Wow! I seriously can't believe in December I was hoping for 10 miles in one week and here I've done 50 miles in 12 days.  :-)

On a more sober note, I seriously tanked dinner tonight.  I made a Maple Dijon Chicken Crockpot recipe today, and it smelled so yummy.  I decided to go walking before eating dinner, figuring, it's a crockpot, how much harm can it do?

Well let me tell you! The chicken was so dry.  Bleh!  I couldn't eat mine (and after my walk I was STARVING!) and couldn't bring myself to tell the kids to.  We dumped it all out and the kids ate PB&Js and pudding and Bob and I are about to have taquitos and chipotle fries. 

What a disappointment.  It could have been the extra time it spent cooking.  It could have been that I thawed my chicken before putting it in there and maybe it should have been left frozen (the recipe didn't specify).  Whatever the reason, YUCK!

On top of that, yesterday Emily turned the corner too early at the top of the stairs and banged her forehead pretty good on the corner of the wall.  She had a HUGE goose-egg.  I felt so bad for her.  She kept looking in the mirror and going: "What's it doing? Why is it getting bigger?" and looking at me with big puppy-dog eyes. 


Life with the Ford Family.  It's....eventful!  

Hello, Denton!

I've reached 46 miles and Denton, TX.  

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Wikipedia says Denton is known for its musical culture, featuring the annual Denton Arts and Jazz Festival.  Other annual events include an air show, holiday festival downtown lighting, and Thin Line Documentary Film Fest. 

It is also known as a college town, home of University of North Texas, (home of UNT's Music College, whose alumni include Norah Jones, Bowling for Soup, and the Eli Young Band) and Texas Women's University. 

46 miles and I feel GREAT, my feet are still happy, and while at night I fall exhausted into bed, I have more energy overall and I can hear my body screaming, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" at the end of every workout.  

 Oh! And I'm only about 34 miles from the Oklahoma State Line! :-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Squeaky Clean

If you've ever popped over and visited me, you may have been surprised by my clutter, my dust, and my general messiness.  I even have a magnet that reads: "You can touch my dust but please don't write in it."  It drives me insane that my house is not in order, but somewhere along the way I just gave up on it.  I figured whatever.  It's never going to be clean so what's the point.  The end result: hours and hours of deep cleaning required anytime I know someone is coming over.  The even deeper end result: inviting people over drops lower and lower on the list of things I want to do, mostly because I will be embarrassed by the condition my house is in if I don't get the chance to scrub it down and de-clutter. 

Please don't get me wrong.  I am not disgusting dirty.  Just clutter dirty.  But still, I don't think it brings glory to God, nor does it give me the freedom to invite a neighbor over at any given moment or that couple at church that just looks downtrodden and in need of fellowship and encouragement.  Plus, I am never at peace.

So, as you may have seen in an earlier posting, I made a New Year's Resolution to create a home organization notebook, and in that notebook would go my cleaning schedule.  Last year my friend Amy directed me to an awesome monthly cleaning schedule at Just Mommies and I tried to use it.  I loved how the calendar gives you a job to do throughout the month to keep your house squeaky clean, in addition to regular weekly chores.  What I didn't like was that you had to look in two different places for that day's chores.  So I looked through the months and found a pattern and created my own calendar on my iCal (could use Outlook or other calendar program) that has all of the montly chores, weekly chores, and monthly de-clutter challenge chores listed, with Sundays always off, no matter what.  Then I printed it out and stuck it in my notebook.  I cross off the things I get to and the things I don't get to  I do by the end of the week if I can.  At any rate, my house is cleaner than I think it has ever been.  :-)

I realize that this might be helpful for others who may be challenged daily with disorganization and messy houses, so each month I will post at the beginning of the month what the schedule is.   I am a little late this month, but nevertheless here are the remaining days for January:

12-Clean bathrooms, vacuum, dust
13-laundry, clean refrigerator and microwave, wipe down door knobs and light switches, clean windows
14-vacuum, replace air filters, menu plan
15-laundry, mop, clean automobile
16-wipe down kitchen cabinets and pantry, wipe down master bedroom walls/doors/trim
18-laundry, change bed linens, change towels
19-wipe down kitchen chairs, clean bathrooms, dust, vacuum
20-vacuum insides of sofas, laundry, clean windows, wipe down door knobs and light switches
21-menu plan, vacuum
22-clean oven, laundry, mop
23-wipe down blinds in master bedroom, clean toaster and coffee maker
25-laundry, change bed linens, change towels, wipe down baseboards in kitchen/bathrooms
26-vacuum, clean bathrooms, dust ceiling fans and light fixtures, dust
27-clean windows, wipe down door knobs and light switches, laundry
28-vacuum, menu plan, clean refrigerator and microwave
29-wash out trash cans, mop, laundry
30-wipe down air vents throughout the house

As the site suggests, I am also trying to make a daily habit of making my bed (and ensuring the kids make theirs), wiping down bathroom counters, and setting out dinner in the morning, and making sure the house is tidied and the kitchen is clean before bed.  I do enjoy coming downstairs to a clean kitchen and drinking coffee without staring at a pile of dishes from the night before.  :-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Daybook for January 11th, 2010

Outside my's dark.

I am thinking...about 2 Chronicles 17:1-13 and how one man's righteousness can affect a nation. 

I am thankful...for good health and the ability to walk.  I am becoming an addict.

I am wearing...a navy blue 3/4 sleeve shirt and black leggings.  I am ready to cozy up and read after the kids head to bed.

I am remembering...good times with friends.  Like when April and I carpeted our store and then we were so tired and giggling deliriously, I threw my keys into the dumpster outside in the dark, really late at night and we had to dig through the trash to find them.  Luckily they were on top of a cardboard box we'd thrown in earlier!

I am going...nowhere special.  I am embracing home this week.

I am currently Bible, chronologically with when events actually happened.  And financial planning books from the library.

I am hoping...Bob does well on his sheriff's dispatch testing tomorrow and that this journey through unemployment is about to be over. 

From the kitchen...Frito pie.  Although I am not partaking of the yumminess.  I had a Special K protein shake. 

Around the house....clutter. Clutter. Clutter.  Make it stop!  I am wondering if this little poem I wrote in WR 352 might be more true than I realized:

This mess
causes stress;
I should own less!

One of my favorite things...watching Noah figure out he can change his facial expressions on demand:

Join Simple Woman's Daybook and linger with us on the beauty of everyday moments.  

Friday, January 8, 2010

Does Shivering Burn Calories??

Okay, so I know I said I was only going to blog about my little adventure on Tuesdays, but I'm changing that.  I will blog when I reach a major city or whenever I just need to vent or need encouragment.  Randomly.  Because it's funner (more fun?) that way.  "Funner" is incorrect, I know.  My English degree did indeed teach me something. But "Funner" is a more fun word to write and rolls off the tongue.  And besides, I learned in Linguistics that created words and slang are still English, and "proper" English is arguable.  And Shakespeare did it, and look at how famous his works are now!  Sorry, rambling....

I have walked 28 miles in one week, my first week.  And I must say, I am tired. 

Obstacle #1: I developed a blister on the ball of my foot that created a limp.  So I dealt with it, but walking was hard.  So, on day 5 I went to get shoes because my feet were killing me.  I stepped on a machine that told me where pressure was and where my feet were fatigued, and the whole foot lit up!  Ouch!

So my feet are much happier.  :-)

Obstacle #2: It is freezing, literally, outside.  It's been hitting the teens at night and twenties during the day, with a wind chill of below zero.  I tried walking in it yesterday at Veteran's Park, with 3 layers of clothing, gloves, scarf, and hat.  But I felt really heavy which made me really tired and my face was wind chapped afterward.  But I walked 5 miles in it.  And I couldn't wait to go to bed last night and getting up this morning was really hard. 

So, today I just couldn't make myself face the wind again.  Brrr....

And I had intentions to walk at the mall, but it didn't happen.  Then, I remembered.  My mom gave me a Leslie Sansone video, Walk Slim: 4 Fast Miles! , so I popped it in and tried it.  It wasn't as interesting as walking outside, and she gets a little giddy at times, and I get a little uncoordinated at times, but it was fast and charted the miles for me.  It even included jogging for short intervals.  So, today I did 4 miles, again. In 45 minutes. 

Go me!!  I feel accomplished that despite hurting feet and nature's plan to thwart me, I stuck it out.  Haha, nature! Take that!

And I will be updating my ticker daily because it makes me happy.  And that's what matters.  And it keeps you on your toes, checking in on me and keeping me accountable! :-)

And tomorrow I 'm having taco soup for dinner and friends over to eat it with us. 

I am content. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Walking to Oregon, Week 1

My first Tuesday blogging about my great walk to Oregon.  Since I started on Saturday, this one won't be as impressive, since I'm only on my fourth day.  But since Saturday I've walked 15 miles:
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: 2 miles
Monday: 4 miles
Today so far: 4 miles.

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According to Google maps, I've walked through Fort Worth, TX and have just about made it to Melody Hills, TX.  There's not really much there and not many photos on the internet so I've included a few photos of Fort Worth from Panoramio: 



Some facts about Fort Worth Texas (according to Wikipedia):

  • founded in 1849
  • approx. 700,000 people in Ft Worth as of 2008
  • 17th largest city in the nation
  • coldest month in January (average high 54)
  • hottest month in July (average high 96)
  • has three entertainment districts: Sundance Square, Stockyards National Historic District, and Fort Worth Cultural District, along with a zoo, botanical gardens, and Texas Christian University
I have 194 miles to go to get to Oklahoma City and I've already gained my first blister.  Two things would be extremely helpful right now: anti-blister socks and a treadmill.  I might go on the hunt for socks today, but the treadmill will have to wait.  :-)  I don't think I've ever walked 15 miles in one week let alone four days.

I haven't lost any weight yet though.  Three people have told me I'm gaining muscle? We'll see.    

I also decided I will only update my ticker on blogging days so that it's a little more exciting to see how many miles have been accomplished over the week.  And I will be weighing myself once a month, especially initially because I don't want to drive myself crazy with the scale and get discouraged.  It's not about the scale.  It's about feeling better about myself and getting to Oregon.  So the first blog of each month I will include pounds lost. 

Now I'm off to vacuum, dust, and clean my kitchen. For months I've been using a hardwood floor vacuum all over the house, very tiny and inconvenient, but yesterday I got a big girl vacuum so I'm actually excited to vacuum.  :-)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Daybook for January 4th

Outside my is very very cold but clear and sunny.

I am body cells freeze? I walked in 26 degree weather and my thighs are still freezing and prickly.

I am thankful for...routines to start back up.

From the learning rooms... English literature to pass a CLEP and finish those last two pesky credits.

From the kitchen...overnight porridge with honey and kettle corn seasoning.  Yum.

I am wearing...jeans and my inspi(red) gap shirt and brown socks.

I am creating...a home organization notebook that holds everything: birthdays, cleaning schedule, food menus, emergency numbers, first aid kit inventories, things to do, receipts, coupons, etc.

I am the grocery store with my mom later.

I am bible.  I haven't decided on my next book yet.

I am hear something about the job I applied to last week.

I am hearing...Emily sing Hannah Montana over and over (and over).

Around the house...laundry, dishes, and Christmas stuff to put away.  I also need to desperately mop my floors.

One of my favorite things... the Creme Brulee latte at Starbucks, I might get one at the grocery store, nonfat of course, hold the whip, for achieving my first 10 miles walked toward Oregon in three days.  :-)

I am remembering...Christmas vacation.  I can't say we've had a better one as far as time with each other goes.  I do wish we could have seen all of our loved ones.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  walk as many miles as I can, clean house, go to an all day orientation on Thursday, maybe rejoin writing group on Wednesday, try to find a cheap but good treadmill.

From my photos: Bear Lake, Garden City, Utah

You can read what others are doing at The Simple Woman's Daybook.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Walking to Oregon

I decided I just couldn't wait any longer...I'm walking to my best friend's house and should be there, oh, around the end of the year.  :-)

Yup.  2232 miles. To St. Helens, Oregon from Arlington, TX.  Of course I still have life here in Arlington, so I will walk each day and log miles and tell everyone what city I'm "in."  Oklahoma City is up first at 209 miles away.  My goal is to get there by Valentine's Day. 

My reward: a trip to really see her! (By plane of course!)

Tuesdays I will blog about my adventure, so keep an eye out.  I am really excited about this.  Not only will I work my way toward a trip home, but I will also lose some much needed weight.  So I will also be posting my weight loss with each blog and pictures along the way as well. 

I'm sure as the days go on, I will really need some encouragement! So leave those comments and keep me going!

So, April, you wanted to know when I was coming.... ;-)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010!

My New Year's Resolutions:

  1. Get a whole lot more organized about prayer.  Spontaneity is good, but I want to make sure everyone's covered and mountains get moved.
  2. Create a home organizing notebook, with cleaning schedules, birthdays and gift ideas and deadlines for getting those gifts out, menu plans, financial goals, bills, etc.  One place to go for everything important.  Time to get organized.
  3. Lose weight.  I know this is on just about everyone's list, year after year after year.  But I know I am limited in many things by my weight and it's time for freedom.  And I know I stress less when I exercise more.  'Nuff said.
  4. Start a home bible study for women in my neighborhood.  Don't know how, don't know when.  But I know I know I've been called.  And there's a stack of bible studies sitting in my bookcase that call my name and remind me every time I walk by.
  5. Develop a one on one time daily with each child.  With four, that will be challenging.  But if I want to know my children when they are teenagers, I need to know them now. 
  6. Write a book.  It doesn't matter if it's never published.  It doesn't even matter if another soul ever reads it.  Just write it. 
  7. Open my home one evening a week to invite neighbors over and get to know them.  
  8. Organize my photos and momentos.  It's a crazy crazy mess and can't be appreciated stuffed in a chest.  
  9. Plan a vacation.  Somewhere fun.  And start saving.
  10. End the year with a savings account.  Wouldn't that be nice?
"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." Proverbs 16:3, ESV