Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is My Song

Psalm 105 is a beautiful reminder of God's fulfilling one of His promises to the Israelites.  It goes from the first covenant with Abraham, to the slavery of Joseph, the slavery of the Israelites, the hardening of Pharoah's heart, the setting apart of Israel, and finally - the deliverance of God's people.  It is a psalm, a song, to David's generation, his contemporaries.  David's song contains evidences of God's promises, God's judgement, God's provision, God's protection, and God's deliverance.  And it revealed a little about who David's God was to him.  The congregation listening to these words sung may have been convicted.  Some may have been deeply encouraged.  Some may have burst out in praise, honoring God for something He was doing in their life.  And the children no doubt listened, captured, introduced to a God who works mightily on behalf of His people, even in trials.  And, wait for it, this is important:

David's song can still be read today in the number one bestseller book of our time. 

What is my song? God has promised me an abundant place.  He has brought me through a divorce, a miscarriage, a baby's broken leg, a label of "unfit mother" that has been hard to run from, a nearly failed second marriage, financial lack, and the valley of depression.  He has delivered me from the bondage of lies, low self-esteem, destructive habits, and social anxiety.  I have felt His arms around me, I have heard His voice, and I have felt His hand of discipline.  I have a pile of stones from the Jordan so I can tell future genterations of His great love for them.  I have my own song to sing, that my God is a Promise-Keeper.  I have seen His hand of deliverance and have no doubt He will bring us into our promised land. 

Everyone has a song, a legacy, a pile of stones from the Jordan.  What is yours? Have you ever written it all out, like David, putting words to His works in your life?  God commands us to remember His hand in our life, not only to protect us from fear in hard times, but to help future generations hear and see that He is good. 

"Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!" Psalm 105: 1-2

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