Saturday, January 2, 2010

Walking to Oregon

I decided I just couldn't wait any longer...I'm walking to my best friend's house and should be there, oh, around the end of the year.  :-)

Yup.  2232 miles. To St. Helens, Oregon from Arlington, TX.  Of course I still have life here in Arlington, so I will walk each day and log miles and tell everyone what city I'm "in."  Oklahoma City is up first at 209 miles away.  My goal is to get there by Valentine's Day. 

My reward: a trip to really see her! (By plane of course!)

Tuesdays I will blog about my adventure, so keep an eye out.  I am really excited about this.  Not only will I work my way toward a trip home, but I will also lose some much needed weight.  So I will also be posting my weight loss with each blog and pictures along the way as well. 

I'm sure as the days go on, I will really need some encouragement! So leave those comments and keep me going!

So, April, you wanted to know when I was coming.... ;-)


  1. YAY now hopefully we'll keep you "on course" and not make any detours huh LOL or maybe a detour would be good...maybe it'll cut some distance hehe love ya!!

  2. Sounds like a great idea!! We miss you here in Oregon!!!
