But I'm back. And one of my new year's resolutions is to stay committed to my writing. No matter what. Even if no one reads it. :-)
As I reflect back on 2009 I am amazed at all that took place. In January, I had my last semester of school ahead of me. I had my thesis yet to finish. I had two internships yet to finish. I was living in an apartment. Bob had just left a job of 8 years and embarked on a job that hopefully held a future, but paid lower starting out. We were looking forward to our tax returns to survive on.
I did finish my thesis and two internships and graduated. Finally, after a seven year journey. Then two weeks later I found out that the office made a mistake and I actually still required two more English credits. Talk about being thrown for a loop.
The weekend of my graduation, we moved out of our apartment. We could no longer afford it. We asked Bob's aunt and uncle if we could stay with them for a little while. They were happy to help us.
And then their income fell. Dramatically.
I was heartbroken and depressed. On top of all that, I was only two steps away from walking out on my marriage. I sought God and cried out and asked, "Where are You?"
Bob and I began to cry out for a change. My mom was living in Texas, but I wasn't sure. Texas was certainly not on my list of places to live.
Western boots, big hair, and armadillos. Not to mention big bugs.
But God told us, clearly and distinctly, Texas most certainly was on His list of places for us to live. So we listened. We said goodbye to Portland, OR, to Powell's Bookstore, to our pastors, to all of our friends and loved ones, cried a few tears, packed in a few suitcases and all the kids, and headed for Texas.
Then Bob flew back to Oregon, to his job until he landed something in Texas. But God fast forwarded things and Bob was fired. And God provided the money we needed to get all of our belongings and my husband to Texas.
Then Bob's back/hip went out and he was suddenly laying on the floor all the time. We had no living room furniture to sit on, so the floor was the only option.
And we cried out. "God, where are You? We are where you told us to go, and we have no income and no certainty we won't be leaving this house too."
And God answered. He provided. Each and every time, through different means and different people. Rent. Chiropractic care. Food. Utilities. Clothes.
So here we are. Still waiting on an income. Still waiting on our places in life. But resting confidently in God's provision and timing. And having spent four months together with plenty of time to work some things out.
So 2009 was about a lot of closed doors and "No's." But it was also about a loud and resounding "Yes."
Yes, God loves us.
Yes, God knows where we are and what is due on the 1st.
Yes, God knows our heart's desires.
Yes, God has our best interests in mind.
Yes, God knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
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