Friday, October 30, 2009

Hesitate Instead of Hurry

Yesterday I felt tired, like my limbs carried around bricks tied to them and my thoughts trudged through quick sand.  I didn't get a lot done: the dishes, another event booked.  The list of things not done includes sorting clothes, doing laundry, sorting toys, cleaning toilets and floors.
But I did hesitate. 

I held Noah while he was throwing a temper, I lay down on the floor next to him and tried to soothe him, not angry or frustrated.  I understand; sometimes I want to throw a tantrum too.  I took the time to stop doing the dishes to discipline him as he attempted to pull out glass dishes from the cupboard.  I kissed on Emily and hugged her and informed her again and again I was the Queen when she called me her Prince.  I carried Noah through the grocery store, feeling the warmth of his body in the icecream aisle.  I helped Emily transform into a fairy.  I watched Kayli's eyes light up as I told her she could help me at the festival next Saturday, that maybe she could read stories to kids for me.   I helped Jadyn find the perfect notebook to go with her waitress costume.  I wiped her shoes off and helped her tie them, without hearing the usual whispers (or screams) to hurry! hurry! hurry! I noticed one of her earings was missing.  I helped her skip count 25 starting at 500 and stopping at 600 and then challenged her to go past 600, triumphing with her that she could do it. 

And I feel triumphant. 

And I think I will begin eliminating the word "hurry" from my vocabulary. 

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