i could have had more quality time with my family, but i just didn't have time to.
i meant to organize such and such, but i just didn't have time to.
there's so much i want to do, but i never have time to.
i want to write, it's my passion, but i can never find the time to.
there's just not enough time.
i need more hours in my day.
not having enough time is a lie from our enemy. God created time and said it was good. the problem is not the 24 hour day the Creator has given us. the problem is lack of balance ... the too much in our day.
sometime's there are simply seasons, seasons maybe you didn't ask for, where you know there is too much and you need God's strength to help you through, to bring you the balance you need. but a season is all it should be, not a lifelong lack.
if you're lamenting a lack of time, believe God has given you enough time. figure out instead what the too much is in your day and ask God to show you what should stay and what should go.